About Us
The Western NL Food Hub is an online store and physical packaging and pickup location that connects customers and local producers in Western Newfoundland.
Our Services
We provide a user-friendly online ordering platform updated weekly with products from local producers. We focus exclusively on local products. Everything is grown, harvested, and/or processed in the region.
Customers can order from as many producers as they want. The ordering window is open from Friday morning to Monday night. Orders are assembled at our Food Hub location at 17 Herald Avenue in Corner Brook, and pickup and delivery are available on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
For more details about our weekly schedule, visit our How It Works page.
Our Goal
Our goal is to help get local food on every plate.
We believe in a province where everyone can eat with joy and dignity. This includes creating easier access to local food and supporting food producers so they can thrive. It also means strengthening our food systems and, as a result, our communities. The Western NL Food Hub aims to be part of that work.
Our Connection to Food First NL
The Western NL Food Hub is a social enterprise operated by Food First NL, a provincial nonprofit organization with a mission to advance the right to food in Newfoundland and Labrador.
A social enterprise is a business that earns revenue to support a social mission. Some social enterprises work by earning a profit and passing it back to their parent organization, while others (like the Western NL Food Hub) focus on sustainably providing a socially beneficial service. Revenue from Food Hub sales goes toward keeping the Food Hub itself running.
There are many other social enterprises in Newfoundland and Labrador. Food First NL is part of the NL Social Enterprise and Innovation Coalition, which aims to support this thriving sector.