For Producers

Looking to find new customers or simplify your distribution?
The Western NL Food Hub is here to help!

Our online sales platform makes selling (and shopping) quick and easy. You take care of the products and we take care of the logistics. Getting your products into the hands of customers has never been easier.

Benefits of Selling with the Western NL Food Hub

The Western NL Food Hub’s goal is to improve access to local food in Western Newfoundland while strengthening our food system, our communities, and our well-being. Strong food systems need local food producers operating in a sustainable business environment. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping you grow your business and thrive.

Some of the benefits of selling with the Western NL Food Hub:

  • Easily reach new customers — We take care of the marketing and our reach is always growing.

  • Worry-free distribution — You take care of the bulk orders and we take care of getting your product to the customer.

  • Simple online sales platform — Just upload your product list, quantities, and prices and let us take care of the rest.

  • Lots of flexibility — You get to choose how often you sell through the Western NL Food Hub, the quantity, and the price.

  • Potential to grow — We’re just getting started and have big plans for growth. We want you on this journey with us!

Take your business to the next level. Let us help you expand your business, reach new customers, and connect with your community.

Five pair of cupped hands touching as to form a circle. In every pair of hands is a small mound of dirt with basil plants sprouting.

Who Can Join

Food businesses of all sizes, from home-based businesses all the way to large farms, can join the Western NL Food Hub as a producer. All local primary and secondary processed products are welcome! All that we require is a Food Establishment Licence or Temporary Food Establish Licence.

Selling with the Food Hub is flexible. Producers have the freedom to sell as much, or as little, as they wish. You can offer products every week, seasonally, or skip weeks altogether — the choice is always yours. Whether you have ten pounds of potatoes or 1000, the Food Hub is sized for you!

Not sure if the Western NL Food Hub is the right fit for you? Send us an email at or give us a call at (709) 501–8894. We’re happy to talk to you about what the Food Hub offers and how your business might fit.

Example Food Hub Products

Vegetables and Berries

Meat and Poultry

Dairy and Eggs

Jam, Jellies, and Pickles

Bee Products

Fish and Seafood

Baked Goods

Coffee and Tea

Pantry Staples

Kitchen Items

A whole chicken, ground beef with red onion formed into a patty, a beef roast tied in string with rosemary, and lambchops arranged on a dark wood surface.
A wooden crate of carrots, green onion, yellow potatoes, peas, and red onion.
Jars of brightly-coloured jellies and pickles on a light wood surface, each jar capped with butcher paper and tied with twine.
A carton of mixed colour eggs and wedges of light cheese with holes on a dark wood surface.
Fillets of white fish on a blue-rimmed plate against a worn wood surface, garnished with lemon slices and parsley.
Two jars of fresh honey and a honeycomb on a dark wood surface.
Whole, roasted coffee beans and loose-leaf tea spill out of their small black dishes onto a worn wooden surface. Two old silver spoons lie above, reflecting daylight.
Fresh loaves of floured pumpernickel bread on a wood cutting board. The loaf in back is whole, while the foreground load is thickly sliced.
A selection of handmade wooden kitchen utensils, tray, and darker wood cutting board against a stone-like backdrop.
Three wooden spoons on a worn wood surface. Each spoon holds a variety of salt: Pink Himalayan, chunky sea salt, and finely ground pink Himalayan.

Don’t see your product above? Get in touch with us! We would love to discuss how your product can fit at the Western NL Food Hub.

How Selling at the Food Hub Works


Food Hub staff emails a pick list to each producer. The list contains the total amount of each product ordered by customers. Producers prepare the bulk orders for pick up

Green circular icon of a clipboard.
Green circular icon of a smartphone displaying an online shopping cart.
Green circular icon of a clipboard with arrow pointing to an open box below.
Green circular icon of a delivery truck emblazoned with the Food Hub logo.
Green circular icon of an open box from which spills a drumstick, a tomato, and a carrot.


Producers upload a list of all the products they have available for pickup day with corresponding prices and quantities.

Friday to Monday

Customers place their orders on the Food Hub online platform. They can choose from any of the products listed and from as many producers as they want.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

Customers receive their orders through a pickup location (pickup day/time varies by location) or delivery, and producers receive their payment. The cycle begins again!


Food Hub staff or contractors pick up the bulk orders from each producer and transport them to the Western NL Food Hub. Staff sort all of the products into customers’ orders.

A glass bowl of shelled green peas on a wood cutting board against a gray wood surface.


There is no direct cost to producers selling through the Western NL Food Hub. Instead, we add a small percentage to each product’s price when listed. This allows producers to set their prices and know exactly how much they will receive for each product sold. Markups are used to pay for Western NL Food Hub support, including the online platform, transportation, marketing, and staff time.

Contact Us

Interested in selling your product with the Western NL Food Hub? Want to learn more about who we are, how everything works, and how we can support your business?
Get in touch!

Phone: (709) 501-8894